Hypnotherapy for Insomnia

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If you struggle to fall asleep at night or have great difficulty staying asleep and not having restful sleep you could be experiencing insomnia. It is believed that insomnia affects up to a third of people in the United Kingdom. Having episodes of insomnia can have be detrimental to one’s health and have huge impact on the individuals life affecting their efficiency at work, ability to operate machinery, and driving safely to name but a few this In turn this can increase stress levels and anxiety.

Insomnia is the disturbance of a normal sleep pattern defined as a difficulty in either getting to sleep, staying asleep through the night, or both. At some point in their lives, everyone has found it difficult to fall asleep but when the condition persists and is considered chronic, it can have serious consequences.

Sleep is a state of consciousness, which gives an individual time to rest and build up their strength. Fatigue is a major cause of accidents and impaired efficiency. Statistics suggest that as many as one in three of us will have.

experienced insomnia in the previous year, and as many as one in ten of us will experience the chronic form at some point. Hypnotherapy for insomnia is a very effective way of changing these patterns very quickly.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia sufferers can find themselves more prone to illness and generally less able to deal with the demands of day to day life, resulting in poor performance at work and overall feeling drained and exhausted. Other common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty getting to sleep
  • Waking repeatedly during the night
  • Waking early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep
  • Not feeling refreshed after sleep
  • Tired
  • Irritable
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Headaches

Causes of Insomnia

There are a number of reasons individuals may suffer from insomnia, including:

  • Disruptions within the sleeping environment, such as noise, light, snoring or a partner’s movement.
  • Physical conditions causing pain, discomfort or movement, including arthritis, hot flushes, restless leg syndrome and headaches.
  • Loss or worry, such as bereavement, work worries, anxiety about not being able to sleep and relationship problems.
  • Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety.
  • Alcohol, caffeine, antidepressants and other medicines.
  • A big change such as a house move, new job or starting university.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

Hypnosis is often an effective treatment for those suffering from insomnia. Hypnotherapy can help an individual to relax, both mentally and physically, using varying relaxation techniques. Hypnotherapy can also help an individual to understand some of the causes of insomnia and sleeping problems.

Greatly increasing our ability to relax will help with the process of falling asleep in the first place. Improving the way our mind is dealing with problems or anxieties will break the cycle of awakening. Using advanced hypnotherapy techniques, some other possible causes for insomnia can also be addressed, such as deep rooted anxieties or fears.

Many people suffering from insomnia believe they are not going to be able to sleep, which often means they don’t. Our sub-conscious mind is stopping relaxation, but that also makes it the best tool for developing the habit of great sleep because hypnotherapy can help to re-educate an individual’s mind to expect a good night’s sleep.

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